
第 61 回 大気海洋圏物理系セミナー のおしらせ

日 時:1999年 2月 25日(木) 午前 9:30 〜 11:00
場 所:低温科学研究所 2F 大講義室

発表者:Gregory H. Leonard (Clarkson University)
題 目:


(Gregory H. Leonard) 発表要旨:

 This talk will present the work done in the area of remote sensing of sea 
 ice dynamics by the author.  It will include work done to fulfill the 
 requirements for the master's degree as well as the proposed work for the 
 Ph.D. degree.  The main topic is the discussion of two different methods to 
 track sea ice movement using satellite imagery; the Maximum Cross 
 Correlation (MCC) Method, and the Wavelet Transform (WT) method.  Another 
 topic is the correlation between sea ice motion and surface wind.  The study 
 areas include the Ross Sea, Antarctica, St. Lawrence Island, and the Sea of 


水田 元太 @北海道大学大学院地球環境科学研究科
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