
第 39 回 大気海洋物理系 B 棟コロキウム のおしらせ

日 時:1999年 9月 20日(月) 午後 4:30 〜 6:30
場 所:地球環境科学研究科 管理棟 2F 講堂

発表者:Zhanggui Wang (Researcher of JST.)
題 目:The Kuroshio Response to the low frequency wind stress


The Kuroshio Response to the low frequency wind stress (Zhanggui Wang) 発表要旨 :

  A one-way nested model, which includes a low resolution Pacific model 
 and a fine resolution Kuroshio model, is developed and used to 
 investigate an effect of the wind stress forcing on the Kuroshio 
 transport. It is shown that the simulated seasonal variations of 
 Kuroshio transport are in good agreement with the observations, a 
 maximum in summer and a minimum in winter. The interannual fluctuation 
 of the Kuroshio transport bears a close relation to the low frequency 
 wind stress forcing. The amplitude and phase of the fluctuation depend 
 on the structure and location of the wind stress forcing. We also 
 examine the response of the Kuroshio transport to the real wind stress 
 from the period 1972 to 1992. It is found that the Kuroshio transport 
 across Asuka line has an oscillation of about 3-year period. It is 
 mainly attributed to the interannual fluctuation of the surface wind 
 stress curl located in the central Pacific Ocean. 
  In addition, the model results reveal that the topographic effect is 
 correlated with the model resolution. 


伊藤 頼 / 谷口 博 @北海道大学大学院地球環境科学研究科
大気海洋圏環境科学専攻大循環力学 / 気候モデリング講座
mail-to:yori@ees.hokudai.ac.jp / Tel: 011-706-2357